Important Christmas Information (and a Fun Quiz)
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19 December 2017

Gemma Baker


Important Christmas Information (and a Fun Quiz)

Less than a week to go and we will be diving into presents, enjoying Christmas dinner, chocolate and any other delicious treats including, a glass or two (or maybe more) of our favourite adult beverage!

Click4Assistmas: Opening Times

The admin office will be closing in the afternoon of Friday 22nd December 2017 and will be reopening at 9am on Tuesday 2nd January 2018.

During this period our support team will be monitoring their mailbox They will continue to uphold their SLA of 4 hours for urgent enquiries that require a response.

How to Prepare your Live Chat for the Holidays

  • Add in a predefined reply that mentions your hours over the festive period or when you expect your last deliveries to take place etc.  This ensures the information provided to your customers is accurate and saves your staffs’ time, as they do not need to learn these details or have to type them.


  • If your office is closing during the Christmas period or will be operating on shorter opening times, ensure your offline form is set up to either continue collecting your website visitors’ enquiries or to inform them of your operational hours.  The offline form can also be customised for the time of year, why not try turning it into a festive digital post box or decorate the window with Santa or elves hats.

add chat to website festive offline formadd live chat festive offline message

  • Over Christmas some organisations will provide an emergency number or a monitored email address, this is vital information that needs to be displayed to your customers. Luckily we have you covered! Get your designers to create a quick image with your out of office contact details, upload this to the Click4Assistance solution, create a rule and voila, you have yourself a promotion that will present your important information directly to your online visitors.

So now you have read our list, check it twice then implement to ensure your website is efficiently working whilst you and your colleagues relax over the holidays.

Have Yourself a Merry Little Quizmas

The important and official part is out of the way, we have given you a few handy festive tips, therefore it’s now time to get in the spirit of Christmas and have some fun! Why not try your hand at our short quiz…

  1. What condiment is traditionally served with turkey?
  2.  What colour is the berries on mistletoe?
  3. Once Santa has delivered his presents how does he get back up the chimney?
  4. What are the gifts the Three Wise Men gave baby Jesus?
  5. In A Christmas Carol, what is the name of Ebenezer Scrooge’s partner?
  6. Traditionally, how many points does a snowflake have?
  7. What snacks are traditionally left out for Santa Claus?
  8. What is the most popular ornament used to place at the top of the Christmas tree?
  9. Which country gifts the Christmas tree that is placed at Trafalgar Square in London?
  10. Name the 9 Reindeer.

The whole team would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Thank you for your continued support during 2017.

Author Photo
Author: Gemma Baker
Gemma is the Marketing Executive for UK live chat software provider, Click4Assistance, with a range of digital knowledge within PPC advertising, SEO practices, email campaigns and social media.


  1. Cranberry
  2. White
  3. He places a finger on the side of his nose, gives a smile and a nod
  4. Myrrh, Frankincense and Gold
  5. Jacob Marley
  6. Six
  7. Cookies and milk
  8. Angel
  9. Norway
  10. Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen and Rudolph 


UK providers of live chat software and online communication tools to a range of industries, we offer a cutting edge, resilient and proven live chat solution backed-up with first class support and advice.


Photograph of the Author


Gemma is a Marketing Executive for UK web chat Provider Click4Assistance, with a range of knowledge in live chat software and customer engagement channels, customer service methods and improving online business.


UK providers of live chat software and online communication tools to a range of industries, we offer a cutting edge, resilient and proven live chat solution backed-up with first class support and advice.


An image of the Author


Gemma is a Marketing Executive for UK web chat Provider Click4Assistance, with a range of knowledge in live chat software and customer engagement channels, customer service methods and improving online business.


Cost-effective live chat software, proven to increase lead generation and customer satisfaction. Easy to implement and customise, the solution supports your business out of hours with the ‘leave a message’ feature.


Integrate our compliant solution with your existing systems for a seamless implementation. Intelligent chat routing ensures multiple department capabilities. Measure your ROI and monitor operators’ KPI’s with the Advanced Reporting Suite.


Increase productivity, reduce resource costs and improve customer satisfaction by answering multiple enquiries simultaneously with live chat software. Mitigate budget restraints, support digital transformation and help customers during online processes.

Book your personalised demo

See the software in action and discuss your requirements with our experienced industry experts to achieve success with live chat, chatbots and much more!

  • Make it easier for your visitors to speak to your team
  • Increase leads, increase revenue
  • Decrease resources, save money


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