Are your Employees as Efficient as the Easter Bunny?
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13 April 2017

Gemma Baker


Are your Employees as Efficient as the Easter Bunny?

The Easter Bunny is on a very a tight schedule to deliver the Easter eggs the night before Eastertide starts. Like the Easter Bunny your staff need to deliver exceptional service to your customers in a timely manner.


Live chat has the highest satisfaction levels for any customer service channel, with 73%, compared with 61% for email and 44% for phone.

And customers prefer live chat due to its instant nature, as they are promptly connected with an operator there is no waiting in a queue for ages.

How your Staff can be as Productive as the Easter Bunny using Live Chat

  • On the phone or via email your representative would have to take the time to say or type out a response, live chat can speed up your operators' answers with predefined replies, a library of responses that are set up within the Click4Assistance software that an operator can access, select and edit before sending.
  • The replies can be allocated a keyboard shortcut to enable the representative to instantly display the reply rather than search the library. If these are set up against the more common responses, this can speed up the time it takes the operator to answer the visitor.
  • Predefined replies can have keywords assigned; if the visitor was to trigger the keyword when the auto-reply functionality is switch on, the operator will be presented a list of replies that are associated with the keyword, allowing the representative to choose from this selection rather than search the library. 
  • If the operator cannot answer the visitor’s question they can either transfer the conversation to a colleague or invite them in. The new operator will be able to see a full transcript of the conversation allowing them to pick up where the other operator has left off, saving them the time of repeating questions.
  • With live chat both the customer and operator can take their time to ensure they understand what is being said, they can clarify any of the areas they are unsure about, and if the company’s chat isn’t in the customer’s native language they can also use Google translate to help.
  • Throughout a chat, the visitor can request the transcript of the chat, and once the conversation has been completed by the operator the customer will receive the full chat transcript, allowing them to refer back to what was said and any agreements made will be in writing.


Multitask with best live chat

The Click4Assistance solution enables operators to handle more than one enquiry at a time. The same level of customer service can be conveyed whilst dealing with three visitors, at the same time that one customer can be helped via phone or email.

To help you to successfully implement the best live chat software, to ensure your staff continue to deliver on a tight schedule why not try out live chat on your website?

The 21 day Click4Assistance trial is free, and there’s no obligation once the trial has finished. Click here to start.

Alternatively, you can request a free information pack by entering your email address below.

Author: Gemma Baker

Gemma is the Marketing Executive for UK live chat software provider, Click4Assistance, with a range of digital knowledge within PPC advertising, SEO practices, email campaigns and social media.


UK providers of live chat software and online communication tools to a range of industries, we offer a cutting edge, resilient and proven live chat solution backed-up with first class support and advice.


Photograph of the Author


Gemma is a Marketing Executive for UK web chat Provider Click4Assistance, with a range of knowledge in live chat software and customer engagement channels, customer service methods and improving online business.


UK providers of live chat software and online communication tools to a range of industries, we offer a cutting edge, resilient and proven live chat solution backed-up with first class support and advice.


An image of the Author


Gemma is a Marketing Executive for UK web chat Provider Click4Assistance, with a range of knowledge in live chat software and customer engagement channels, customer service methods and improving online business.


Cost-effective live chat software, proven to increase lead generation and customer satisfaction. Easy to implement and customise, the solution supports your business out of hours with the ‘leave a message’ feature.


Integrate our compliant solution with your existing systems for a seamless implementation. Intelligent chat routing ensures multiple department capabilities. Measure your ROI and monitor operators’ KPI’s with the Advanced Reporting Suite.


Increase productivity, reduce resource costs and improve customer satisfaction by answering multiple enquiries simultaneously with live chat software. Mitigate budget restraints, support digital transformation and help customers during online processes.

Book your personalised demo

See the software in action and discuss your requirements with our experienced industry experts to achieve success with live chat, chatbots and much more!

  • Make it easier for your visitors to speak to your team
  • Increase leads, increase revenue
  • Decrease resources, save money


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