Migration Success for One Call Direct and HPI Ltd
By the end of October, the Click4Assistance developers were so satisfied with their thorough testing of ‘Experiences’ that they turned the new enhanced solution over to the first wave of Beta testers. Amongst this group was One Call Direct, the insurance company and HPI who provide vehicle history checks.
Both companies received a brand new account that they could test separately, ring fenced from the current version that was running live on their websites. They began by configuring their accounts allowing them to review and update their setup. This included assessing their users and their security settings, Predefined Replies, Auto Navigation and End Categories. It also consisted of configuring Routing Groups, Chat Distribution Settings and Email Templates.
Both organisations achieved this quickly and have not needed any help from the Click4Assistance support team who have been on hand to help at any stage. One Call and HPI were able to configure their account, test the solution and train their operators within 2 weeks, with the organisations feeding back that they have found the new solution really easy to use and they like the new interface and functionality.
“The migration over to the new software has been so smooth, there have been no problems at all and any support we have needed Click4Assistance have been so helpful. The new software is now up and running live on the website. Overall we are confident that we made the right choice in choosing ‘Experiences’.”
-Olivia Harriman, HPI
How ‘Experiences’ has been Enhanced
The main changes for ‘Experiences’ by Click4Assistance, is improving usability for both the operators and visitors, whilst upholding strong security.
The visitor journey is defined by Experiences, this is the visual flow of how the visitor will start their interaction – what type of button is displayed to them (chat, click2call, submit information)? Is it a Proactive or Reactive engagement (being asked into chat or to complete details compared with them purposely clicking on a chat / book a demo button etc.)? From the initial action, what happens next, are they presented with an offline form, a pre-interaction form or instantly start a call or chat? Not only can organisations select what happens at every stage, they can also choose the design of their buttons and windows.
Customisation has also been improved; previously some knowledge of html and CSS was required to update the chat windows. In ‘Experiences’ we have kept this level of advanced customisation, however we have also built into the new enhanced solution a simpler level that allows companies to easily upload their logo and effortlessly select their colours from a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) type panel.
The biggest change comes in the form of the Dashboard. The previous area was static and restricted every user to view the same information (list of operators, chat list and any chat they are handling / viewing). In the new Dashboard each user can customise it to present the information they need in separate windows. These can be resized and moved as required. The flexibility allows managers to view graphs for quick performance analysis, the ability to control other users’ availability, log in statuses, and observe their live and past interactions. Operators may set their Dashboard to include the interaction (chat / call) list, the libraries that aid them whilst in chat – Predefined Replies, Auto Navigation and End Categories, and the operator list, so they can see their available colleagues in case they need to transfer / or invite them in. Users can also change their Dashboard background as this makes the area more personal to work within. We believe this Dashboard to be the first of its kind!
The Dashboard may be the biggest change; however the most important changes are within security. This has been developed to provide more secure ways of logging in (AD integration, forcing strong passwords and expiry of passwords.) and encryption of data, this is done via encryption at rest and in transit; ensuring data is protected regardless if it is active or inactive and stored on the database.
With all of this in mind, both HPI and One Call migrated the current version on their website over to ‘Experiences’ by mid-November, 2 and a half weeks after first receiving the new enhanced solution! From the success of the Beta testing, customers have been given their staging dates and are currently migrating over to ‘Experiences’.
We would like to thank those who took part in the Beta testing and for the continuing support and feedback we are receiving.
If you want to find out more information about the best live chat software ‘Experiences’ by Click4Assistance, contact our team on 01268 524628 or email theteam@click4assistance.co.uk.