Travel Media Awards
The Travel Media Awards celebrate excellence in journalism, broadcasting and photography. The entries are open from 18th April to the 24th June with the finalists being announced on the 14th September.
The awards ceremony will be held at the ME London Hotel in Stratford on the 27th October. Having over 225 people attending last year, the Travel Media Awards saw 20 publications, broadcasters, journalists and photographers collect a prominent award, representing the very best of the UK travel media.
Many travel writers, broadcasters and photographers use technology and social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter and Blogger to post updates and experiences with their followers– for business use or just a hobby – which might include:
Tips on photo editing apps
Top picks on where to go
Beginner’s guide to travel
Photo updates on where they’ve been
Having live chat for website allows followers and subscribers to chat instantly with bloggers and businesses alike. There they can receive advice about best places to go if they want to photograph a beautiful sunset, or if they want to know the best deals to go for, or maybe they just want some general tips on travelling the world.
Travel photographers and bloggers might be taking off around the world to write and snap, but Click4Assistance is UK based who understand how significant data security is as we work with clients who hold financial information. Developed 12 years ago, Click4Assistance continues to have updates based on customer feedback, for example; if a client wishes to have Google Translate in the software, the solution can be updated to the customer’s requirements.
Click4Assistance, based in the UK (Telecity, London) conform to ISO 9001 and 27001 standards and adheres to the stringent regulations laid out by the FCA for data storage, Data Protection Act 1998 and PCI compliance. Internal security policies are constantly monitored, tested, reviewed and updated to ensure that; physical and remote access, system monitoring, data storage and encryption, business continuity and disaster recovery are addressed.
All chat communications are over https/SSL using 256bit encryption, therefore sensitive information like credit card details are masked, which ensures this type of information doesn’t reach our servers!
Click4Assistance are used by travel companies such as Cruise and Maritime, Travel a La Carte and Orbital who use our chat for website to assist with bookings and flight arrangements etc. We wish the best of luck to the Travel Media Awards finalists this year!
For more information, call us on 0845 123 5871 or drop us an email at theteam@click4assistance.co.uk .