15 ways people are using ChatGPT in their daily lives
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25 September 2024



15 ways people are using ChatGPT in their daily lives

Discover how people from all walks of life are using ChatGPT in their lives to get things done faster, entertain themselves, create new ideas, or educate themselves.

ChatGPT is perhaps the most powerful piece of software to emerge in history. And because of this, people are still learning all the ways they can use it. Here are just some examples of how it is being utilised:

1. Google Replacement

Searching on Google for websites was something most people took for granted until 2022. If you wanted to find information online, you had to type in relevant keywords first and then trawl through the results.

But when ChatGPT came along, that was no longer necessary. Users could simply ask the AI for a direct answer to any question and get one.

Larry Page, owner of Google, said that the ultimate aim of the search engine was to user queries immediately. But OpenAI seems to have beaten him to the punch!

Of course, ChatGPT hasn’t replaced Google entirely. The search engine is still essential for researching in-depth information and finding products/services. But search giant is clearly rattled, which is why it now provides AI-generated answers to specific search queries at the top of results.

2. Summarising Articles, Concepts, And Ideas

ChatGPT is also being used for summarising, from whole books to individual concepts. The tool allows users to get at the crux of an issue faster, without having to wade through mountains of articles or explanations elsewhere that may contradict each other.

OpenAI’s tool is adept at summaries because it has so much information in its training set. It can “average out” the data and come to a fluent and coherent overview, even when a human-written one isn’t available, making it ideal for learners, businesspeople, and marketing professionals.

3. Creating Music Playlists

Building a music playlist can take a long time – something you know if you’ve ever tried it! But ChatGPT can produce a reasonable output in seconds based on the prompts users provide.

This ability comes from underlying improvements in the technology. Last year, OpenAI made ChatGPT “multimodal,” meaning it can now deal with more than just text inputs. Because the AI has listened to most of the music ever created, it can put together playlists based on its interpretation of how tracks fit together.

For example, users can ask it to “create a retro long song playlist for a road trip,” and it’ll put together a stack of songs with Barry White, Whitney Houston, and Taylor Dayne. Or users can get it to “create a dubstep playlist with songs from 2014 only” and it will happily do their bidding!

4. Making Jokes

Another use of ChatGPT is helping with jokes. Of course, the tool isn’t all that good at coming up with them by itself (it’s too politically correct for that). But it is helping comedians flesh out their ideas once they have a spark of inspiration.

For example, users can use the tool to complete a funny poem or find words that rhyme with an idea. Comedians can also use it to ideate around specific topics, cooking up joke ideas for new content or dialogues.

5. Educating Themselves

ChatGPT is also a fantastic learning tool – a teacher that seems to know everything. Using it for educational purposes is commonplace in Western countries. But it is even more essential in locations without developed educational systems, like India and Indonesia. Students are using the software to learn everything they can about esoteric topics or subjects not covered by the local schooling system.

The beauty of ChatGPT is that it knows all the best pedagogic techniques, so it can explain things to students in ways that facilitate better learning. It can also accept multiple inputs, like pages from textbooks or sound recordings, providing deeper explanations and helping children get past stumbling blocks in their understanding.

Unfortunately, it isn’t perfect with science and maths-related subjects. But OpenAI has a team working on that, so the situation could change in the near future.

6. Playing Role-Playing Games

An unexpected use of ChatGPT is in the realm of role-playing stories. Thanks to its new memory feature, the tool can create complex, branching narratives, like those books from the 1990s that told you what page to go to next after you decided which story direction you wanted to take.

However, ChatGPT is much more advanced, making it even more fun to use.  For example, the tool can respond to any user input or prompt, creating a new round of narrative in response to any input. Then, users can read the next chapter and prompt the AI, telling it what will happen next. Or they can ask the tool to give them a choice of options at the end of each narrative section – it’s their choice.

7. Improving Work Output

ChatGPT’s primary commercial benefit is helping people get their work done faster. The tool is adept at many tasks people perform every day in their jobs. For example, it can write a calming response to an angry customer, complete a section or code, or write entire articles for marketers who want to whip up content quickly for a new website.

Of course, ChatGPT’s outputs aren’t perfect – they still require careful checking. But the software undoubtedly speeds things up and makes life easier for anyone in the “knowledge” industry.

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8. Emotional Support

ChatGPT is also generating value in the realm of emotional support. While the tool doesn’t have a soul (at least not yet), it does have training in psychological best practices, making it almost as useful as a real-life therapist.

Furthermore, it’s available twenty-four-seven for free. Users don’t need to schedule appointments and pay high fees to get the help they need as they do with a human therapist. The chatbot does that for them.

The introduction of ChatGPT Voice makes the experience even more realistic. Users can talk to the system and have it respond to them audibly, like a human counsellor might.

9. Generating Meal Ideas

Generating meal ideas is another way ChatGPT is benefiting the lives of ordinary people. The tool is a wellspring of creativity when old recipe books no longer inspire.

For example, ChatGPT can react to the ingredients users have in their cupboards. It can tell people how to make something delicious from half a packet of tofu, a bag of onions, some Greek yoghurt and leftover oranges.

ChatGPT’s visual abilities also let users take a picture of their pantry and ask the tool to develop a recipe based on it. Food waste need never be an issue again!

10. Assist With Gardening

ChatGPT is also helping users with gardening. The tool knows almost everything there is to know about the pastime, allowing it to make recommendations and suggestions based on users’ visual inputs.

For example, gardeners can take pictures of plants and ask ChatGPT if disease is present. They can also identify specific insects, pests, and watering requirements for various species, and get a list of actions to take next.

11. Creating New Proteins

ChatGPT is also adept at creating new proteins, something researchers cracked in 2021. The hope is that the technology will allow scientists to generate new molecules for medical technology that improve human health, like insulin analogues and compounds that activate longevity pathways.

Traditional approaches only allow scientists to test a few proteins a day (out of trillions). But AI tools, like ChatGPT, can perform simulations on thousands, increasing the work rate considerably.

12. Fix Code Bugs

Fixing coding bugs is another ChatGPT forté. The software has a knack for rooting out broken or error-ridden code and bringing it to the user’s attention.

Sometimes, the tool will fix problems directly, creating a new output users can cut and paste. Other times, it will highlight problem areas and make suggestions. Again, it’s up to the coder.

13. Chat To Website Visitors

ChatGPT isn’t the best chat software for website owners, but the underlying technology is helping businesses talk to their visitors more conveniently. The invention of large language models (LLM) and transformers mean that natural language processing (NLP) is approaching human-level standards. Systems can answer most questions posed to them, particularly if they receive specific guidance and training from the company.

Adding a ChatGPT-powered chatbot to a brand’s website means firms can talk to their customers twenty-four-seven and answer their questions immediately (instead of waiting for an agent to become available). AI bots provide assistance with frequently asked questions, website navigation, and more.

14. Get Help With English

ChatGPT is also an assistant for millions of people around the world whose second language is English. The tool is excellent for finding uncommon words or correcting grammar in text.

15. Getting Homework Done

Lastly, ChatGPT is a superpower for students wanting to get homework done faster. The tool is adept at writing essays, solving calculus problems, and explaining concepts that often confuse people.

While users shouldn’t plagiarise or use it to cheat, ChatGPT can provide ideas, give feedback, and speed up the learning process, preventing children from spending hours in the evening on schoolwork when they could be socialising, exercising, or spending time with family.

Wrapping Up

To conclude, ChatGPT is fast becoming a personal assistant to the population. The tool isn’t perfect. But it is sufficiently capable in a wide array of fields to offer real advantages.


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