The Best Live Chat Increases Online Sales
Bank holidays are a very busy time for stores, especially online and the perfect way to help deal with enquiries and assist customers, is using the best live chat!
1871 was the year that sparked the great idea of Bank Holidays, where the banks would be shut and no trading could take place. ‘The 1871 Act’ meant that only four holidays were allowed. There are now currently eight permanent bank holidays in England, Scotland and Wales with ten in Northern Ireland. Although workplaces are shut, many stores are still open that only shut around Christmas time.
Almost everyone benefits from bank holidays. Getting paid on days off is great right? Employees that do have to work may get time and a half or double pay. “Do It Yourself” and “Home Improvement” stores experience their highest sales over Easter as everyone makes the most of the four day weekend in preparation for Spring. But what about shopping online? Online trading has been competitive for years, meaning if a shop offer deals, then customers will expect the online store to do the same, such as discounts when they spend a certain amount of money etc. Some online retailers offer free and next day delivery, for example; Amazon, the very popular online store, are working towards ensuring next day delivery for their customers.
The Best Live Chat Has Increased Sales for Years
The best live chat allows businesses to engage with their clients online, allowing them to offer any help the customer may need when browsing the business’s website. Sometimes when visitors are ordering online, they can encounter issues (especially during the checkout process.) For instance, their bank details might need updating or a discount code may have expired and they need to redeem it. Having the best live chat allows operators to support customers as they’re able to send a proactive invitation to the visitor asking if they need help before they leave the page.
As well as invitations, businesses can add promotional images that customers can click on which directs them to relevant parts of their page. This can be used to promote special offers and drive traffic to high value products or services, or help reduce bounce rates.
84% of customers prefer the presence of the best live chat which not only improves the impression of the company, but also the experience for the customer. Implementing a live chat solution allows businesses to increase sales as customers can use the simple, efficient solution on the website.
To find out more about the benefits, have a chat with one of our dedicated account managers today on 0845 123 5871 or contact theteam@click4assistance.co.uk. You can also read more about the best live chat on our blog page.