Not Too Late To Apply To University
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03 February 2022



Not Too Late To Apply To University

Although the deadline is approaching, you should know that it is not too late for you to apply to university with live chat for small business.

If you are concerned because you are worried that you missed the UCAS deadline on the 26th of January, then you are not alone. So many potential university students are in the same situation as you are right now, but there are things that you can do to try and combat this issue by simply preparing yourself now.

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What is the Deadline for UCAS in 2022?

The general deadline that you need to meet for your UCAS application, if you want to start university, would be 6pm on the 26th of January. There are a few exceptions to this deadline. If you did want to enrol on a Cambridge course or an Oxford course, then the deadline for this was the 15th of October. Veterinary, medicine or dentistry courses also had their deadline on the 15th of October. If you happen to miss the deadline in January then you can enrol by the 30th of June, 2022. The final application date for any entries is the 28th of September.

Universities Do Accept Students after the Deadline

Universities do accept students after the deadline, in most instances. The key dates are useful, but many universities understand that some students are undecided at this point. Many students apply after January for a lot of different reasons. Some of them outdo the grades that they have been predicted or they simply have a change of heart. Others have a change in circumstances. For mature students, there isn’t much need to apply after they have gotten their exam results.

Universities and Accepting Students

This isn’t just a stressful experience for students. It is also a stressful time for universities as well. Universities often find themselves being swarmed with late applications and this can make it difficult to match students with the right course. Universities across the world are now adopting live chat as a way to combat this, giving students with a way to talk without having people constantly managing the phone lines.

UCAS Clearing

If you want to apply, then you have until the 30th of June. After this, you can use the UCAS clearing period. This is essentially a scheme that matches applicants with their chosen vacancy.  You should know that if you do send in your application after January then you are not guaranteed equal treatment or consideration. This is especially the case with highly competitive courses. It is highly recommended that you contact the university to find out if the course that you want to get on is going to be available in clearing or if it is going to be made available later on.

How to Make the Most out of Your Application

If you want to make the most out of your university application, then here are some tips.

Do Homework

First of all, it is vital for you to find out which courses, if any, have vacancies. You can do this by going through UCAS and you can also have the availability confirmed through the provider’s website. Next up, you then need to read about teaching, funding, facilities, housing and more. Share your documentation, why you are applying late (if you are) as well as an additional information as you never know, you may be able to get some additional support.

Apply through UCAS

The process of going through the application process is the same. Students will have to make sure that they complete a UCAS form and that they fill in all of the details. They will also need to make sure that they do a personal statement if possible as well. This is the best way to make sure that they get the reference they need. If you know that the university you are applying to has some kind of live chat integration, then this is great. Use it to your advantage and contact someone directly and instantly regarding your application so that you can then make the most out of your experience.

Take Advantage of Extras

Clearing can be a prime time for you to get offers. You may even find that you can swap to get a better match. More and more students are choosing to apply later, or they are taking advantage of the admissions cycle. It’s important to know that there is also clearing adjustment. There are additional ways for you to try and secure an offer later on in the year and it is possible for you to use this after the closing period if you can show that you are eligible. Contact your university through live chat to find out more about this.


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UK providers of live chat software and online communication tools to a range of industries, we offer a cutting edge, resilient and proven live chat solution backed-up with first class support and advice.


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Click4Assistance is the UK's premier web chat provider, providing online instant messaging software for more than 10 years.


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