Polaris Implements Chat for Website for e-trading Brokers
Setting the standards for the UK General Insurance Industry, Polaris has launched live chat into their electronic trading platform, imarket.
For more information about Polaris’ implementation check out their news release Polaris launches new imarket Live-chat service for commercial e-trading brokers.
imarket is an e-trading solution that connects broker and insurer systems. It enables insurers to provide their broker partners with secure and instant access to products and services. It also generates real-time risk assessment and pricing for comparative quotes across a range of commercial products.[1]
imarket is funded by several insurers which include:
- Ageas
- Allianz
- Aviva
- Ecclesiastical
- Zurich Financial Services
7 of the above insurers are using live chat for website within the imarket platform, with a complex but uniform integration across the board. The Click4Assistance software offers 100% customisability, with each insurer having dual design of their own logo alongside the imarket branding; they have personalised every external facing aspect including any system emails that are sent, such as copies of the transcript.
Of the 4 broker systems that have integrated with imarket, Acturis and SSP have now released web chat to the live environment, with Applied and Open GI in the process of implementing the solution. Each participating insurer receives the live chat directly from the broker, with a range of information dynamically passed through the chat solution from the broker system to the insurer.
“The deployment of Live-chat for imarket is an important step and it will significantly improve a broker’s journey, enabling more of their business to be placed via their SWH platform”.
Martin McLachlan, Polaris Managing Director
Why Live Chat?
Polaris chose to implement live chat within imarket to keep business in the e-trade environment. Brokers are able to ask questions within the platform rather than divert to telephone, email or other methods, keeping the journey streamlined. Polaris’ goal is to offer their customers hassle-free and cost effective ways of delivering their products and services. Live chat is certainly that!
Live chat is easy to implement, a supplied piece of html script is placed in your website which displays the chat button. The Click4Assistance solution is fully hosted, therefore no requirement for complex installations; just download a lightweight app to the desktop or via your citrix environment.
People with questions can simply get them answered using live chat, the solution instantly connects them with a representative who can respond to them in real-time, reducing the waiting time for a response or time trying to contact the organisation.
Chat for website offers a cost effective solution; staff members can hold multiple chat simultaneously, answering more than one enquiry at any one time, enabling staff resources to be reduced.
There are no set up or maintenance fees, and you only need purchase licences for the number of concurrent users, which can be flexibly scaled up and down to keep costs in line with requirements.
Polaris and Click4Assistance’s Partnership
Each year Polaris holds an end of year event for their organisation, their insurers, brokers and suppliers. Click4Assistance was awarded a bottle of champagne in recognition of the support provided during the implementation.
Our team has been working closely with Polaris to ensure a smooth implementation for those involved. Jill Stephens, who headed up the Polaris integration, commented:
“Polaris have been a pleasure to work with from the word go. It has been a true partnership with the communication flowing freely between all organisations involved in this complex implementation. Polaris has managed to negotiate and coordinate the needs of 7 major insurers to specify a standardised solution to suit everyone’s needs. Click4Assistance were pleased to be able to fulfil the specification and support the broker systems and insurers throughout the process. We look forward to a long term, successful relationship with the team at Polaris.”
To find out how live chat for website can benefit your organisation speak with our Finance Co-ordinator on 01268 524628 or email theteam@click4assistance.co.uk.
[1] Polaris, Products - imarket