Complying to Data Protection with UK based live chat software provider Click4Assistance
As a UK based live chat software provider security is a major priority not just for us but for every business, we take a look at what the Data Protection Act actually is and the US counterpart, and why UK businesses looking to comply with Data Protection Act should keep to UK based providers.
Introduction to Data protection Act 1998
The Data Protection Act 1998 also known as DPA is an Act of Parliament which is the main legislation that regulates the safeguarding of personal data in the UK; it replaces and consolidates the Data Protection Act 1984 and Access to Personal File Act 1987. It was enacted to meet with the conditions of The European Union Data Protection Directive (“Directive”).
Why UK Businesses must comply with the Data Protection Act?
UK Businesses must comply with Data Protection firstly and foremost because it is a legal requirement. However there are a few benefits in doing so any way:
• Good information handling can decrease the chance of a complaint being made as it can expand customers and employees trust with the business.
• It will protect the businesses and customers information, which can protect organisation against claims for damage.
• It can save time and money, if businesses are sending out to incorrect or out of date mailing records.
What are the repercussions if a business breaks data protection?
If a business fails to notify or renew a notification when they have duty to, they can be fined up to £5,000. If a business has notified or renewed and breach the Data Protection Act they can be fined up to £500,000
How the Safe Harbor Framework ties in
Where the UK amended the Data Protection Act to meet with conditions of the Directive, the US developed the Safe Harbor Framework in 2000 to plug the gap between the US laws and European Standards, however on 6th October 2015 the European Court of Justice (“ECJ”) upon finding that the Framework infringed on upon the European standards, overturned the Safe Harbor Framework.
How can UK businesses ensure their own and their customers’ safety?
With the invalidation of the Safe Harbor Framework, businesses that operate in the UK and with EU based customers must ensure any data they have complies with Data Protection. By outsourcing or using products or services from companies outside the EU that store data, businesses are breaking the law and can be subjected to suing from their customers whose data they have infringed. To reduce the risk of being fined up to 5% of annual revenue, businesses should purchase products and services including live chat software from the EU based providers.
UK live chat software providers comply with Data Protection
Click4Assistance live chat software provider, has been supplying live chat software to small and large organisations securely for over 10 years, with our data being held in Europe’s largest datacentre in London. For more information about us as a secure live chat software provider, why not request our System Security Document through our live chat software and arrange a free consultation with our account managers to discuss at your convenience?