Make Your Website Work Harder Not Your Employees!
Regardless of being branded “anti-family” and “unworkable”, ITV have reported that; the Government are propelling plans to permit local authorities to increase Sunday Trading Hours.
As our shopping habits change, the Government’s proposal of longer Sunday hours is in hope of helping high street businesses compete, as quoted by Anna Soubry, Business Minister:
Extending Sunday shopping hours has the potential to help businesses and high streets better compete as our shopping habits change. The rights of shop workers are key to making these changes work in everyone's interests.
We are protecting those who do not wish to work Sundays, and those who do not want to work more than their normal Sunday working hours
With buying and selling previously illegal under the Shops Act 1950 (with a few exceptions), The Sunday Trading Act 1994 governs the right of shops in England and Wales to trade on Sunday. It has been in dispute for years, so there is no surprise over the Governments’ plans, however it is being met with some resistance:
Devolving Sunday trading to over 300 local authorities will strangle the retail industry in red tape. What the Government is proposing is undesirable and unworkable.
Their claims to be offering additional protection for shopworkers amounts to nothing more than has existed for the last 20 years.
91% of our members working in retail oppose longer Sunday trading because they know it will have an adverse effect on family life and put them under even more pressure to work longer hours on a Sunday.
-John Hannet, Usdaw general secretary
In spite of our shopping habits changing, perhaps the Government are looking too closely at the wrong picture? With more than 82% of the UK preferring online shopping to store shopping, wouldn’t it be better to focus on how your website can work harder not employees?
Apart from the workaholics amongst us, no one wants work to interfere with family life. The extension of Sunday hours would mean this precious time would be even harder to come by. Introducing the best live chat software to your website, chats can be handled by one person, saving staff resourcing and rostering on Sundays.
The Click4Assistance live chat software helps users manage their workload with the use of an availability status. Due to religious or family reasons should an online shop wish to close on Sundays and prefer not to man the chat system, the live chat software will revert to an offline form. This allows visitors to enter their details and nature of their enquiry; businesses can then follow up on Monday morning.
Your website can work harder for your company with the use of online marketing tools including the best live chat. For more information on how improving your website’s interaction with customers will keep your employees happy, speak with our account managers who have a decade’s worth of knowledge on 0845 123 5871.