Web Chat Software boosts Retailers Christmas Sales
While web chat software is a significant boon to online retailers at any time of the year, it is particularly useful for online merchants that experience a heavy spike in online sales at specific times of the year – such as Christmas.
Christmas is a crucial trading month for many retailers and many online businesses run specific promotions and offers that coincide with the Christmas rush
Web chat software is a significant customer service step that is now powering many online retailers – particularly those who operate in crowded online sector such as clothing, sportswear, gifts, gadgets and electricals. With so many competitors all attempting to steal a march on each other, the successful retailer is often the one who has the edge on customer service and site navigation. Web chat software offers etailers a significant step-up with regard to customer service and this can be the make or break difference to a successful Christmas trading period or an average one.
Online chat software is particularly helpful for users if your site is running special offers or a variety of products that are often bought based on price differentials. It gives you the opportunity to point out special offers to customers while they are online through proactive messaging. Very often, the purchase of a special offer then leads to opportunities for an increased basket size based on that feel-good factor for the user – especially when customers are looking to complete as much online shopping as possible within a short period of time. Online retailers have reported huge spikes in traffic during lunchtime breaks as shoppers look to complete Christmas purchasing as quickly as possible. Many users often do not have much time so the site that has the customer service edge is often the winner.
The overall efficiency and speed of web chat software as a customer service tool is the number 1 reason why busy online retailers choose it for busy trading times such as Christmas
It also gives sites the added advantage of being able to advise on matters such as last postage dates, stock issues and alternative items direct in one to one chat boxes with customers without them having to pick up the phone.
If you’d like to take advantage of web chat software and test its efficiency on your business site why not contact our team today.