How to use Promotions
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31 August 2022



How to use Promotions

Promotions let you display important information to customers, designed to improve their experience of your website. Display special offers, discounts, news, warnings and more.

The Click4Assistance Solution offers a promotional tool that lets you display the latest news and important information to visitors. Use it to increase conversions, encourage people to sign-up for newsletters, provide them with seasonal information (such as a temporary sale) and guide customers to various sales funnels.

The Promotions feature lets you place links to website pages within the Click4Assistance environment. This way, you can quickly direct users to where they need to go without the need to provide complicated instructions.

The Promotions Tool: An Overview

Promotions let you proactively present promotional items to users depending on the pages they view or how long they remain on them. The solution requires adding a small HTML script to your website and only takes a few minutes to set up. You can choose to display one of Click4Assistance’s template designs or upload an image of your own.

Click4Assistance lets you run more than one promotional experience at once. You can configure when and where each promotional experience displays in the Click4Assistance Experiences panel. For example, you could have one promotional experience for a product page, and another promoting a special offer.

Designs are fully customisable. This means that you can display promotions that faithfully reflect your brand. The tool lets you display your message at any stage of the customer journey, from the awareness stage to conversion. Critically, there is no agent involvement required. Promotions do it automatically.

The solution includes the ability to fade your background while the promotion displays. This feature encourages users to focus on your promotional content exclusively on the pop-up, not the website background.

How To Use Click4Assistance Promotions

Promotions rely on a rule-based system to determine when it displays pop-ups. You can configure when and where this occurs in the Promotions Experiences dashboard, based on how visitors behave.

Click4Assistance uses three categories to help you configure when promotions will appear:

  • Rules
  • Exceptions
  • Appearance

Rules determine the circumstances under which Click4Assistance will display your promotions. For instance, rules let you display a promotion:

  • Across your entire domain
  • When the page matches exactly
  • When the page URL contains a particular word
  • When the user interacts with a hotspot

You can configure promotions to appear immediately after users fulfil a rule, or after a few seconds. There is also an option to play a sound.

Exceptions let you create rules for when the Click4Assistance solution should not display promotions. For example, you can block promotions if the user’s device cannot display above a certain resolution.

Appearance lets you define how you display the promotion on the page. Options include blending in from the centre, sliding down to the bottom, sliding up, etc.

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To redirect a visitor to a specific page, enter the desired page URL into the text box in the Promotions Experiences flow chart. To do this:

  1. Navigate to Tools >>> Promotions
  2. Scroll down to “WHEN ACCEPTED, REDIRECT TO…”
  3. Enter the desired redirect URL into the text box

Once you understand how to use Click4Assistance’s Promotions tool, creating promotions on websites becomes considerably easier. You don’t need any coding skills, and you can adjust settings on the fly to improve the user experience.

For example, if you run an online retail store, you can choose a promotional display to appear after 90 seconds and offer a voucher code for money off at the checkout. Codes like this give buyers the extra nudge they need to go ahead with purchases.

Promotions boxes appear conspicuously in the centre of the screen, immediately gaining visitors' attention. If you choose the grey-out option, the rest of the website fades out, forcing users to either accept or decline the promotion before they continue browsing.


Promotions is a tool that you can add to your website to gain visitors’ attention for special offers or important information. They are a valuable tool that you can use to help visitors as they proceed along the customer journey.

Promotions also help you to conduct business more efficiently. As a digital tool, they display 24/7 and don’t require an agent to operate manually. This way, you can target people visiting your website late at night in the same way as those who visit during working hours.

Click4Assistance Promotions also come with a range of measurement and testing tools that display a range of reports showing you how your promotions are performing. This way, you can amend your timings and compare them against benchmarked results.


UK providers of live chat software and online communication tools to a range of industries, we offer a cutting edge, resilient and proven live chat solution backed-up with first class support and advice.


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Click4Assistance is the UK's premier web chat provider, providing online instant messaging software for more than 10 years.


UK providers of live chat software and online communication tools to a range of industries, we offer a cutting edge, resilient and proven live chat solution backed-up with first class support and advice.


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Click4Assistance is the UK's premier web chat provider, providing online instant messaging software for more than 10 years.


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Increase productivity, reduce resource costs and improve customer satisfaction by answering multiple enquiries simultaneously with live chat software. Mitigate budget restraints, support digital transformation and help customers during online processes.

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