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NHS Chatbot

Click4Assistance is currently working with surgeries under NHS England, Wales and Scotland to provide automated chatbots for their websites.

Healthcare workers filling out patient form.

See an Example Chatbot in action

Click one of the options in the chat window on the right to see how your chatbot could work on your website

Our experts will customise the Chatbot to your instructions on a complimentary basis.

Click one of the options in the chat window below to see how your chatbot could work on your website

Our experts will customise the Chatbot to your instructions on a complimentary basis.

University of Essex logo - a Click4Assistance live chat customer.

What Our Clients Say

Really impressed with the product and its simplicity to use. The support has been fantastic and when I have needed assistance or queries answering, I have benefitted from people who take ownership of issues and follow up personally. I look forward to a longstanding business partnership.

Danny Young

NHS Vale of York

University of Essex logo - a Click4Assistance live chat customer.

What the chatbot can do

Your chatbot will answer common questions patients may ask, reducing your workload and the volume of phone calls and emails you currently receive.

This solution is saving valuable time and money for surgeries using it, in addition to increasing patient satisfaction levels.

  • Triage enquiries
  • Escalate to a human agent
  • Assist with prescription requests
  • Collect details when out-of-hours
  • Streamline appointment bookings
  • Automate answers to common questions


Using the Click4Assistance Bot Builder, you can modify your bot to tailor to the specific needs of your surgery. Below are just some examples of what you can do.

Escalate to an Agent

At any point during the conversation, you can escalate the chat to a human agent, allowing your agents to handle difficult or specific enquiries effectively.

Escalation is optional, your bot can be configured not to escalate to a human agent.

Book Appointments

Set up your bot to collect the information needed for patients to book appointments within minutes.

Answer Questions

Configure your bot to answer the most commonly asked questions.

Your bot can provide patients with external resources such as links to other web pages, PDF files and videos.

Update in Real-Time

At any point, your bot can be updated to answer new questions, provide patients with additional resources, or add entire new conversation paths to extend its capabilities with handling patient enquiries.

Selected live chat industry icon.
Arden and Gem use the Click4Assistance live chat software. Click4Assistance provide live chat service for NHS Scotland. BMI Healthcare live chat website is powered by Click4Assistance. NHS Vale of York use the Click4Assistance web chat software.

Request Information

Enter your email address below to receive further information about setting up a chatbot for your surgery.


Start a no-obligation free trial or request a demonstration with an account manager.

Book your personalised demo

See the software in action and discuss your requirements with our experienced industry experts to achieve success with live chat, chatbots and much more!

  • Make it easier for your visitors to speak to your team
  • Increase leads, increase revenue
  • Decrease resources, save money


Your details have been received, we will contact you shortly to confirm the demonstration.